The Bioinformatics Research Experience is a four-week research training program for undergraduate students interested in learning scientific biological data analysis. The previous year’s material can be seen here: 2020
Talks and Lecture Topics
Getting Started
Programs to Install
- Zoom
- Slack If you’re familiar with Slack, our slack name is coriellbioinf-se37156. Otherwise you can follow the attached directions in slack_intructions.pdf.
- Download and install TeamViewer This will allow the research experience team to screen share with your computer to assist with technical problems.
- R. If you don’t already have it installed, go to R Cloud to download and install R.
- RStudio. Go to RStudio’s website and download the FREE version.
BRE Material
Journal Club
During the Bioinformatics Research Experience you will give two Journal Clubs, one on one of the papers listed below and the other on a paper of your choosing. Your choice of second paper is due by Friday, 7/16.
Daily Lecture Material
July 06: Welcome and Introduction to Rmarkdown and RStudio
- Introduction to Coriell and Coriell’s Bioinformatics Research Experience
- Introduction to Rmarkdown and RStudio
- slides
- demo Rmd and its knitted html
Today’s Assignment: Rmarkdown Practice Rmarkdown and the ANSWER KEY in Rmarkdown and html
July 07: Introduction to Data Wrangling with dplyr
Today’s Assignment: Data Wrangling Rmarkdown, ANSWER KEY in Rmarkdown
July 08: Introduction to Data Visualization with ggplot2
Today’s Assignment: Data Visualization Rmarkdown, ANSWER KEY in Rmarkdown
July 09: Reading Data with readr
and Tidying Data with tidyr
Today’s Assignment: Reading in and Tidying Data Rmarkdown and the data, ANSWER KEY in Rmarkdown
July 13: Statistics Review and Tidying R Statistical Tests with broom
Today’s Assignment: Statistics and broom Rmarkdown and the data, ANSWER KEY in Rmarkdown
July 14: Clustering Data
- Clustering
- kmeans clustering
- hierarchical clustering with heatmaps
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- slides
- demo Rmd
Today’s Assignment: Clustering Rmarkdown and the data, ANSWER KEY in Rmarkdown
July 15: Statistics 2: Linear Models
- linear models
- calculation and interpretation
- multiple variables, both additive and interactive
- selecting the best model
- slides
- demo Rmd
Today’s Assignment: Linear Models Rmarkdown and the data, ANSWER KEY in Rmarkdown
July 16: Exploratory Data Analysis
- slides
- in class live exploratory data analysis example in Rmd and knitted report in html
Today’s Assignment: Exploratory Data Analysis assignment and the template
July 20: Introduction to RNA-seq
- Introduction to RNA-seq
- Lab process and considerations for RNA-seq
- Overview of processing RNA-seq data
- General analysis description
- single cell RNA-seq
- Reading and wrangling RNA-seq data in R
- slides
- demo Rmd and with in class changes
Today’s Assignment: Read in RNA-seq Data Rmd and the data, , ANSWER KEY in Rmarkdown
July 21: Clustering RNA-seq and Differential Expression Testing
- normalizing RNA-seq counts
- clustering
- differential expression testing
- slides
- demo Rmd and with in class addtions Rmd
Today’s Assignment: Read in RNA-seq Data Rmd and the same data and the ANSWER KEY in Rmarkdown
July 22: Wrangling and Visualizing RNA-seq Results
- wrangling differential expression results
- MA plots
- volcano plots
- UpSet plots
- slides
- demo Rmd and with in class addtions Rmd
- This uses the differential expression table created in yesterday’s demo, but it’s here as well
Today’s Assignment: Read in RNA-seq Data Rmd and you’ll use for data the differential expression table you created with yesterday’s assignment and here’s the ANSWER KEY in Rmarkdown
July 23: Review Day
July 27: Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
Differential Expression Assignment
July 28 Regular Expressions (RegEx)
July 29 Example RNA-seq Results Presentation
- exmample presentation pdf